Side Projects
Collab Earth - Collaborative data visualization platformPresent
I'm currently immersed in Collab Earth, a collaborative conservation visualization tool for the web designed to facilitate effective collaboration among conservation enthusiasts. This platform allows users to add sightings data and notes, enabling seamless collaboration with peers. Collab Earth is built using TypeScript, React, Leaflet, Formik, Yup, and NextAuth, providing a robust and user-friendly experience. The project integrates a secure user authentication system via NextAuth, supporting custom login credentials and Google provider support. The home screen features an interactive map powered by Leaflet, enhancing user engagement and exploration. Data is securely stored in MongoDB, with Mongoose ensuring efficient database interaction. I'm also documenting the progress of this project in a blog post, which you can find here.
NextJSReactTypeScriptTailwind CSSshadcn/uiNextAuthMongoDBMongooseCookies - E-commerce website2020
This project is an E-commerce website built using the MERN stack, leveraging Redux for state management to ensure smooth user interactions. TypeScript with React was utilized for type-checking, enhancing front-end stability and reducing errors. The REST API, established with Express.js, enables seamless CRUD operations, allowing users to browse, add, update, and remove products from their cart. Authentication and session persistence are implemented using Passport.js, ensuring secure access to user accounts and seamless browsing sessions. Data is stored in a MongoDB database, with Mongoose used to connect and interact with the database, facilitating efficient data management and retrieval.
ReactTypeScriptExpressJSReduxREST APIPassportJSMongoDBMongoose
Older Projects
A single page map application using React and Mapbox. Used Material-UI for React and Zomato's API to gather data. Made the site accessible, responsive and it uses React's service worker for offline availability.
ReactMaterialUIA responsive web application that allows users to select and categorize books into a virtual bookshelf. Leveraged React to support a dynamic user interface that interacts with an API server and client library.
ReactFetch APIA simple arcade game made powered with HTML5 canvas and developed using Object Oriented JavaScript. The game can keep track of scores and lives of the player which is also updated on the screen using canvas elements.
Html5 CanvasJavaScriptA browser-based card matching game that tests the player's memory and concentration. The game uses JavaScript to keep track of scores and JavaScript's event listeners for the user to play the game.
HtmlCSSJavaScriptA simple todo list that runs in the browser and is developed using JavaScript. Used Animate.css library for animations and JSDoc for documentation.
HtmlCSSJavaScriptA web application to play with pixel art. It displays a grid size selected by the user which can be painted upon with tools from the displayed toolbox.
HtmlCSSJQueryA weather app that uses Google's geolocation API to find the user's current location and displays current temperature and weather by making use of the Open Weather Map api.
HtmlCSSJQueryBootstrapUses the Wikipedia API to filter and display search results from Wikipedia for the query entered by the user.
HtmlCSSJQueryCSS Grid