
Conservation Platform Update: Notes Feature Taking Shape!

Hi everyone, It's been a few weeks since my last update, and I apologize for the delay. Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and the past few weeks have been one of those times. The conservation platform project had to take a backseat while I focus...

Let’s implement QuickSort in JavaScript

I am currently using Algomonster as my guide for learning and improving algorithms and data structures. The first section I needed to conquer was sorting algorithms. Merge sort and quick sort were a bit complicated but I was able to understand them t...

My goals for 2022

I don’t usually set any goals at the beginning of the year. I just set them as and when they occur in my mind. I also have not put any of my plans out in public for fear of disappointing myself. This approach has not been working for me. So, I decide...

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